I'm an artist and technologist working with volumetric video and imagery, geospatial data and video games. I'm constantly seeking out ways to blend real life with game worlds by capturing and recreating the world around me in XR. The project I am currently working on and am most passionate about combines travel with artmaking, whereby strangers on the internet guide me on a physical journey from Independence, Missouri to Oregon City, Oregon; a modern-day recreation of the Oregon Trail. As a puppet avatar in a "game" of my own creation, I aim to inspect the relationship between game creator and game player, and explore topics relating to personal autonomy, surveillance, digital nomadism, and urban isolation.
Professionally, I'm the founder and CTO of a retail technology company called The Peak Beyond. Before starting my own company, I worked for Bay Area tech startups, bigger tech companies such as BitTorrent, and was a researching artist at IBM''s Center for Innovation in Visual Analytics. Incidentally, the product I brought to market with The Peak Beyond is an iteration on a project I did at school. How's that for getting your money's worth?
Principally, I believe that education should be free. Or at least should not put a young person in debt for a decade or more. This opinion was formed after a journey I took when I was 22. With little more than a couple hundred bucks and a sleeping bag, I walked 300 miles over the course of 8 months from Mexico to Santa Barbara. In Santa Barbara I found and repaired a broken mountain which I rode to San Francisco. I hitchhiked the rest of the way to Canada. Over the course of this year and a half journey I taught myself to program. I didn't have a computer, but I wrote code on paper until I was fluent.
School costs money but learning is free.