A voice-controlled drawing machine. Users speak into a microphone, and values for pitch, frequency and amplitude are stored and mapped onto the drawing arms. The horizontal motor moves a distance from the center related to how loud the person speaks, the rotating drawing arm spins at a rate dependent on freuqency, and the platform rotates at a speed related to pitch.

The resulting drawing is a product of reverse-sonification; the user "sees" what their voice "looks" like based on tonal characteristics of their unique voice. Buttons allow the user to start recording, start drawing and stop the machine so that they can re-record their voices for new drawings.

The machine was fabricated from laser-cut acrylic sheets and parts such as gears and rods were salvaged from old printers.

Drawing Machine

Tools: Arduino, Processing, Laser Cutter

Works / Drawing Machine
Photo: John Capogna

Photo: John Capogna

Photo: John Capogna

Photo: John Capogna

Photo: John Capogna